Coin System

A new way of gaming.
Browse features  

Why Coin?

Based on psychological consumer behavior studies, use of a Coin as a replacement of money and time takes away the feeling of spending. Basically a reuse of common pattern that is present in many games today.

Rate and
Coin Bundles

Before you start, you will be able to setup custom prices for Coin Bundles that your clients will be purchasing and playing with. Rate defines the amount of Coins spent per hour. Base Rate is the maximum Rate that you set up, but it gets lower as you activate bonuses or your clients Level Up.

and Levels

While playing, users earn Experience and Level Up. Each Level gives some Bonus as discount. Experience is counted only for specified number of days. That way, your clients will come back to play, maintain their Level and discount.

Bonuses and
other awards

Coin System gives number of options for rewarding users, arranging loyalty programs or any other forms of prize. Arena Bonus is a great example for balance between profit and customer rewards. It provides a tool for modifying Coin Rates for each day in the week and for each hour in the day. This way, gaming centers can increase their morning visits.


While playing, users earn Experience and Level Up. Each Level gives some Bonus as discount. Experience is counted only for specified number of days. That way, your clients will come back to play, maintain their Level and discount.